Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Maybe there's some Canadians. What province are you from? (also you can say which is your favorite)
In my last post, people were from Europe, not the USA. Which country are you from?
Ask me anything, and when I answer, edit your question to make me look bad
Should u/EXCUSE_ME_BEARFUCKER be a mod?
Can you spell "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"
Type “My Great-Grandma was” and let autocomplete finish it!
I like writing on _____. Fuck you society. -u/GoldLemur8
Type “I’m in your_” and let autocomplete finish it
Type “I’m your” and let autocomplete finish it
In honor of PI 🥧 DAY - spell a word using only the THIRD letter of your name.
I voted for Donald Trump because I'm _______.
If social media shut down tomorrow, the first thing people would panic about is _______.
The Alphabet! I think..
Where are you peeing
Can you write your username with your eye closed
where do you live according to ai
lil check in here
Give me what's on your ctrl + V
How to solve 1+1
Hold on
Last saved image pls
What should I do about this?!?!