Pulled a banger! Should I eat it or spice it up my bum?
It feels like single women do not exist
Target restock, this is why you NEVER give in to scalping don't waste your money and be patient Prismatic will be reprinted over and over again!
Worst hands of all time?
What is with people and conceding?
What are some of the goofiest/funniest cards you’ve seen?
I finally caught a poke center restock, and these two vermin bought every 151 booster and prismatic out the vending machine. They tried to fight me.
How do you meet (and potentially date) women?
Why are we getting basically no stock of prismatic?
Today my Mum told me that I'm now the same age as when she had me
Prismatic Binder Stock @ Very
PE binder in stock in Liverpool one WHSmith
Was actually stuck to the back of another card and didn’t notice till today.
Damn I this is painful
151 BB at local gamestop!
Current state of my local Target.
Wimbledon WHSmith restock
HMV Accessory Pouch pre-order
Is there any way to get prismatic without having 30 tabs open at once
Just Game being Game
Just received my Surging Sparks bundle from Amazon, only to discover all my packs have been pre-opened. How can this happen even on Amazon?
Would buyers bother?
Got back into the hobby after 20+ years
Prismatic Evolutions WHSmiths