Would you comfort her for 50,000$ (She will be a loving caring girlfriend if you do)
Lain if she worked at Domino's
Tell me
Pick your steak
Who is your Slave now?
How cooked are you?
Type “I am” and let your autocorrect finish it
New transition goal just dropped, bit more boyish this time
Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
Type "I'm wanted in 45 states because" and let auto complete finish the sentence (image unrelated)
Type "If this world were mine" and let your keyboard do the rest
I asked asians to to point out their country on this map
egg 😭 irl
Name this country (Serious)
Mirabelle from Mirabeau Studios, especcially the suit with heels outfit
When yall read my work which one do you insert yourself as?
I don't get
Andddd another one
Not realistic but at least I can dream
What would be your name yall ? lil failed suicide attempt for me (image totally related)
My ideal body honestly is this realistic !!!!
I’m confused…