My first mineral moon
My first mineral moon picture
Fluorescing fungus and plants in my back yard (365nm UV)
False Color UV Succulent Composites
False color UV images
What's this through my telescope? The little dipper?
Don’t remind me
Russian front fell off
Orion last night with my new lens
This Hubble image shows Jupiter in ultraviolet and near-infrared light.
starting out with bending
My first time processing. How did i do?
The year is 2050. Who going to war with who? Who winning?
Lighting my way away from home
alternate ending
Stationary bright object
Some deep infrared trichromes with a fisheye lens
The Great Northern Storm of 2010, Saturn’s largest storm ever seen by Cassini, raged for months, reshaping its clouds, temperatures, and atmosphere for over three years.
What is the big bright dot above Jupiter?
UV Landscape Photography
Even when you try to be blind some light always shines through
Where are the pegs??? please help...