
-Date & Time: 11/1/2025, 22:30~ PM -Place: Cremona, northern Italy -Telescope: OMEGON 150/750 EQ3 -Camera: ASI662MC -Additional equipment: UV/IR CUT filter and a 2x Barlow. -Seeing: not great (as per usual in this city) -Image processing: 2 minutes of recording in ASIcap, stacking in autostakkert and processing in Registax. (Info about exposure and gain below)

I had time to finally try out my new ASI662MC camera!

The first picture was taken at 10ms of exposure and I tried to balance the gain so that the histogram would read ~60 (please tell me if that's actually the correct thing to do or I misinterpreted something), I also used a X2 Barlow and a UV/IR cut filter.

The second one was instead at 5ms of exposure (with the same procedure for gain). This one was shot without a Barlow, but still with a UV/IR cut filter.

Why are the details more visible in the picture without the Barlow?