What is a book you read AFTER seeing the movie that made you like them both even more?
There are number of movies I love, and when I read the book, rather than ruining the movie or making me think the book was superior/inferior it just made me appreciate them both all the more.
Some examples:
The Godfather - The book is not quality literature at the level that the movie is a masterpiece of film, but it is great pulp reading and adds lots of details about the characters. All of the first two movies are in the book, most of the scenes and dialog are lifted directly from it.
About a Boy - I just love this movie, and the book is wonderful and brings it life even more in a way.
Anne of Green Gables - (This was a TV show, but still qualifies for me.) The same as the others. The broadcast version sticks very close to the books and the added details of the books makes me enjoy remember the show more, and the incredible visuals of the show help me enjoy the books more.