Software for Auto-Sorting Files (Windows)

Hello! I am looking for a software that will auto-sort files on Windows.

Ideally, this software would be programmable/configurable, and then auto-run whenever your computer starts up/is running. I would like it to scan a specific folder (Ex, a folder titled "To Be Sorted") and then send the files moved into it to their specific place (The format I'm using is Year/Month folders).

I've found a few file sorter programs out there, but none that have the specific combination of features I talked about above. It's entirely possible one doesn't exist and I'll have to make do.

The reason I want it to be a background process is because I'm working on setting up a nice organized file system for my mother, and she's not especially tech savvy. So requiring the user open the program and set it up to sort files every time they want it done would not be super great for her.

EDIT: The types of files are primarily images with some videos sprinkled in.

.PNG, .JPEG, .JPG, .HEIC, .MP4, .AVI, and a few other older video extensions I cannot find the names for right now.