Question about a specific event in Morning Star
So I finished the book about a month ago, and there was one thing I didn't really understand. Darrow and Roque are obvsly trying to convince the Moon lords to join their side, and Darrow offers up the identities of all the Sons of Ares that live under them as a bribe. Now firstly, would this include all the sons of Ares in just the moons of Jupiter? Or does this include all the Sons in the planets that stretch past them? Second, does this mean Darrow only fights to get equality between the colors in Mars? Or is the game plan to secure power in Mars and then fight for equality on the other planets? Would this mean he intends to leave the low reds in the moon territories to the same fate he would have suffered in Mars had he never left?
Also, it seems that Romulus catches on later that it was indeed Darrow who took out the docks of Ganymede and passed it off as Roque. However, is it that Romulus can't come forward and admit this to his people because it would make it clear that he screwed up by allying with Darrow? This would also meed that Romulus is now a potential enemy right?