Blade or Bowfa? Tbow Spoon

Hello Scapers,

I was absolutely spooned a tbow at 12 kc on the iron... just got enhanced today at 61 KC (I know, f**k me.) Got 3 armor seeds and 3 weapon seeds during the short sentence.

Do I just make the corrupted Blade at this point? I haven't done the GWD grind, but have full moons gear & my best melee weapon is currently the Zombie Axe or Dual Boppers (77 slayer).

I plan on sending TOA's like a mad man, so hoping to continue the spoonage and grab a Shadow, which would take care of the bands grind. Scorching for Kril. Tbow/chins for others. My current BiS melee at ToA is D Sword and that thing barely pokes at higher invos.

Is it worth me continuing to grind the armor seeds for full crystal & bowfa or do I take the BiS slash melee weapon (and stab upgrade for ToA) and continue with my journey? ToB will likely be my last stop along the way as far as major unlocks, as I'm not super experienced (few in-game friends to learn/play with).

Obviously I'm leaning towards this, but would love to hear your thoughts.

TLDR: Spooned TBow. Spooned Enhanced. Do I just make Blade?

Thanks for any & all feedback!