Is this really low-level cycling? Thought I’ve been kicking ass but now thinking I’m a lot more behind

So I got my first road bike back in like July/ August, and before that I was just biking on my 10 year old cruiser. Since then, I’ve been trying to go as much as possible (when the weather was nicer I was going daily). I do 10 miles per ride, and averaging 14.3 ish on a good ride, takes me about 42 ish minutes on my route.

I’ve been thinking this is a pretty longish ride and a pretty okay speed, although I know I’m nowhere near the more experienced cyclists. How far behind am I though? I’d like to start taking it more seriously as I’m trying to lose more weight with it (down like 40 pounds!) and I just love it regardless.

Anyways, what do y’all consider a “long” ride, and what’s your mph average on those rides? Any tips on how I can work my way up more effectively from where I’m at now?