(Xiaomi Pad 5) Capped at 60fps/hz even when everything is on point and set to run 120fps/hz

Can you please help me, maybe to understand if not help with a solution.

Normally the tablet is set at 120fps/120hz and run pretty nice but when I start the stream it's stuck at 60. Everything is set to work at 120.

Can't figure it out, is something that I need to check or do.. do I need to root the tablet and force it to run 120? The pictures shows the streaming performance (artemis) and the battery and device performances (green - android settings hyperos).

"SurfaceView-com..." is the stream which you can see that is pushing max 60 and the other one is reading the stream performance overlay

I'm not an expert, I was hyped about the idea of streaming on my tablet with a Galileo G8 and I really wanted to be able to get full access on that 120hz display. I'm just curious if someone else had the same issue with another device or the same. Thanks!
