Conclooding and its ramifications (Daniel Greene - Naomi King)
If Destiny has taught me anything, it's that conclooding is damaging. A clear case would be the 'Hasan J-dam hospital' situation. Conclooding shaped the narrative and further soured Israel's rep and bolstered Hamas's.
I present an example where the ramifications of conclooding damages someone's livlihood.
Recently, Daniel Greene, a youtuber had his reputation greatly damaged due to accusations of sexual assault (SA) by another youtuber Naomi King.
Cliff Notes: - Daniel had a consensual affair two years ago with Naomi - They both met at Vegas and both regretted their actions - Daniel confessed to his partner (now fiance) after Vegas about the affair - Naomi was asked by Daniel to also come clean to his partner about the affair - Naomi created a video and sent messages to Daniel's partner apologizing, no (SA) was ever brought up in these correspondence - Fast forward to a few days ago, Naomi made a video saying she was getting a cease and dessist by Daniel and that Daniel SA'ed Naomi - The majority of Daniel's fellow youtubers and fans immediately ostracize Daniel (sounds familiar...) - Naomi fumbled a follow up video and Daniel displayed receipts that suggest everything that went on in Vegas was consensual
Video of Daniel's response.
Naomi took down her initial videos, here is her apology video for painting Daniel as a SA'er
I understand why so many went against Daniel. We have been conditioned to think that we must always blanket believe SA victims. However, as with this case and many times in the past, this unscrutinized belief or 'conclooding' is generally damaging and often paints the picture worse than it actually was, if it wasn't an entirely false picture.
Daniel's reputation took a huge hit and famous authors have distanced themselves from him like Brandon Sanderson, a famous fantasy author. This is a big deal because Daniel work revolves around fantasy, sci fi books. I don't mean to paint Daniel as a good guy, but there's a huge difference between infidelity and SA'er. The person that has suffered from this the most is Daniel's fiance Kayla. She has received death threats and lost friends because she is working through it with Daniel. (The situation is kind of reminiscent of Alexander Hamilton's wife but worse)
As Destiny said, there is no harm in waiting for more information (unless you conclood for money in which case: fuck you). I'm not saying that we shouldn't trust people that say they are victims of SA. However, I don't think we should be 100% taking their word for it either. We should take these allegations seriously, but there's no reason to immediately take a side when we haven't heard from all parties involved and more evidence has presented itself.
Stop conclooding, normalize hEdging.