[Pixiv] [Gallery-DL] How to sort downloaded files based on tags {Help}
I'm trying have Gallery-DL check if a post has a specific tag and automatically make a subfolder and add the post/posts to that folder.
I'm trying to do something along the lines of extractor.*.directory object (condition -> format strings)
here: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/configuration.rst#postprocessor-options
But I don't know how.
I was only able to figure out how to grab keywords from pixiv using "--list-keywords", but I don't know how to get the conditional statements. Or maybe I have all of this backwards.
What happens: I ask Gallery-DL to download my favorites and it downloads the posts into the "favorites" folder under the "pixiv" folder (unsorted)
What I want: I ask Gallery-DL to download my favorites and any posts that contain a tag I specify are put into a subfolder under "favorites" (that's also in the "pixiv" folder) with a name matching the tag (it doesn't have to match). Any other posts are put into the "favorites" folder as normal.
It would be even more incredible if I can do a blacklist situation where I can specify posts that don't have a certain tag to be in a certain folder and posts that Do have that tag to be treated as normal, but this might add too much complication, and a whitelist would be more than enough.
Here is my current config. Please tell me what I did wrong. Thank you!
{ "extractor": { "pixiv": { "favorite": { "directory": [ "Pixiv", "Favorites" ] }, "bookmark": { "directory": [ "Pixiv", "My Bookmarks" ] }, "postprocessors": [], "directory": [] } } }