Unpopular opinion, But if Jagex made a few servers that were character locked with 3x XP I would 100% return

Hear me out because I know some of you will say "but that's just how the game is meant to be played.". I have a family. A job on top of a job. My life is good. But I do have some time at work or on the weekend to play video games. But I don't have the time to invest studying, grinding and power gaming to get to enjoy the RuneScape content in my life time. Which sucks for me because I genuinely do enjoy RuneScape as a game. But the sheer time it's required to invest isn't possible for my lifestyle. I have friends who still play with large amounts of their time being consumed by RuneScape. But theyre single and don't have any other obligations other than video games. I get to play elden ring and Skyrim when I do play video games because it doesn't require me to burn my time trying to make progress. This idea is entire subjective. I hear far too many times "well if you do this," or "that would ruin the game if they did that." Would it really though? How many people leave the game due to the "grinding" and opt for a game they can casually enjoy. Having alternate servers for players who want to play casual and have a steady progression and actually enjoy the game without having to leave your life behind. I think this idea is slept on and it could bring back the audience that doesn't have the time or for what ever reason that the current meta for progression isn't optimal for their life style.